Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bruising on Feet

There are many times when we notice a bruise and have no idea what made it appear. When a part of your body experiences a bump or a fall, small blood vessels under your skin can tear or rupture resulting in a bruise.

Bruises can look alarming as the broken blood vessels cause blood to leak into surrounding tissues making your skin turn a black and blue color. As it heals the bruise can turn purple, red, blue, green and yellow. While often tender to the touch, most bruises are not anything to be concerned about and will heal on their own within a couple of weeks.

Houston, TX foot specialist, Dr. Jeff Bowman regularly treats foot and ankle injuries that have resulted in bruising. Bruises on the ball of your foot could indicate broken or bruised sesamoid bones or metatarsal bones. Swelling, soreness and bruising often accompany an injury but diligent home treatment can often speed up the healing process. Resting the bruised foot and icing will be important. The faster you are able to elevate and compress the injury with a cold pack or ice, the quicker you will be able to reduce pain and inflammation.

If you notice severe bruising, pain and swelling immediately after an injury, it may be an indication that there is a serious problem. Don’t wait to seek help (Dr. Bowman sees same day emergencies). It will be important to diagnose what has happened as soon as possible so appropriate treatment can be started. Any foot pain or injury that is ignored or left untreated could lead to very serious complications, especially if you have diabetes.

If you are noticing any bruises that you can’t explain or have bruising that is painful and not healing properly, please call us today. You can make a quick and easy appointment with Dr. Bowman by calling (713) 467-8886 or visit for more information.

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