While something good came out of a scary time for Herd, osteomyelitis is not a condition to take lightly. This condition is an infection in a bone which can start in the bloodstream or the bone itself. With children, the long bones of the leg and the upper arm are often affected, while adults are more prone to have it in the bones of the spine. People with diabetes can develop this serious condition in their feet when ulcers are present. Make sure to inspect your feet daily to protect yourself against ulcers if you have diabetes.
Germs in your body can travel through the bloodstream from an infection, a puncture wound, or a bone fracture where a bone is protruding through the skin. Having had a recent surgery or infection would cause a person to be at a higher risk for this condition. Sometimes signs and symptoms can go unnoticed at first, so it is important to know on the front end what to look for. The same rules apply to adults and children. If you or your child is complaining of bone pain that is accompanied by a fever, chills, lethargy, swelling or redness, do not hesitate to be seen by a medical professional.
Over time the infection can lead to the affected bone tissue dying. Foot pain, or any pain for that matter, especially when associated with secondary symptoms as described above, is never normal. Please contact Dr. Jeff Bowman at Houston Foot Specialists if you have any questions or concerns about your foot health. Make an appointment today by calling our podiatric office at (713) 467-8886.
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