Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bunion Treatment – What You Can Do Instead of Surgery

If you have a bony bump on the side of your big toe, it is most likely a bunion. Have no fear, you join the ranks of countless others with this common foot problem. Ladies, many celebrities you may fashion your sense of style after are often caught on the red carpet with bunions protruding from the sides of their strappy sandals. Katie Holmes and Victoria Beckham are just a couple who have had their bumpy feet photographed.

Watching your feet morph into an abnormal shape can be a little scary, not to mention painful, as a bunion problem worsens. While surgery may be the only option for some to truly get relief, there are many ways to avoid going down that path. You may be at risk for developing bunions if you have inherited a foot structure prone to this problem. If that is the case, or if you just want to keep your feet looking beautiful, some time and precautionary measures will go a long way.

The best place to start is to take an inventory of the kind of shoes you wear on a regular basis. While footwear isn’t a true “cause” of bunions, it can certainly contribute to the condition developing earlier and cause it to worsen more quickly. Avoid high heels and shoes with tight, pointy toe boxes in particular. Bunion pads can prevent irritation to the side of your foot, and applying ice will help reduce any swelling or pain. It can also help to massage the ball of your foot and gently manipulate your big toe joint in all directions.

At Houston Foot Specialists, Dr. Jeff Bowman is highly experienced in helping patients with bunion problems. Custom orthotic inserts are a proven way to support feet and prevent this problem from worsening. Call us at (713) 467-8886 and make an appointment today to find out how we can help you avoid surgery.

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