Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lesions – Should You Be Concerned About That Spot on Your Skin?

2008 Worldwide Incidence for Melanoma of the S...
2008 Worldwide Incidence for Melanoma of the Skin - Statistics from GLOBOCAN (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Anytime you have an abnormal growth or an area on your skin that is different in appearance, it is generally considered to be a lesion. Some lesions are present at birth such as moles and birthmarks while others develop over time. These would include acne, warts, allergies abrasions and sunburns.

When do I need to be concerned?

Most of the time spots on the skin are harmless but they can turn into something that needs serious attention. Melanoma, a type of skin cancer, is a result of overexposure to ultraviolet light. Lesions on your skin are the warning signs that this dangerous cancer may be developing or has developed and needs immediate treatment. A common site for malignant melanoma is on legs and feet. It causes 75% of deaths related to skin cancer mostly due to the fact that it is often not discovered until it has progressed to a dangerous state.

You can avoid this situation by monitoring any spots or lesions on your skin, especially on your feet and legs. A good place to start is the ABCD’s of melanoma: A-Asymmetry, B-Borders that are irregular, C-Color that is inconsistent, and D-Diameter bigger than 5 or 6 mm. If you notice any of these specific changes with even the smallest spot, it is time take action and get it checked out. Early detection, accurate diagnosis and quick treatment will help avoid a potential life-threatening situation.

If after reading these warning signs you know of a lesion on your leg or foot that you should have looked at, please call Dr. Jeff Bowman. You can trust his expertise and effective treatment to catch any serious problem quickly and keep you in good health! Call our office in Houston, TX to make an appointment (713) 467-8886.

©2013 Jeff Bowman., All Rights Reserved
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1 comment:

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