Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hallux Limitus

Are you hobbling around with big toe pain?

We often don’t think of our feet or toes for that matter until they are hurt or stubbed on the coffee table in the middle of the night. Even though a toe is one of the smallest parts on your body, it can be very painful and debilitating when a problem or injury occurs.

Dr. Jeff Bowman, foot specialist in Houston, TX has treated many patients who have come in complaining of pain in their big toe. A common reason for this is something called hallux limitus. Often referred to as a “stiff big toe joint,” this condition is characterized by localized pain, stiffness and limited range of motion at the joint of the big toe. 

You may not have realized that the achy feeling in your big toe was caused by hallux limitus. Here are some other symptoms to help you diagnose whether or not you may have this condition:
  • A bump at the top of the big toe joint
  • Pain that worsens with walking or exercise
  • A callus on the side of the big toe
  • Inability to flex your big toe upwards
Are you wondering how hallux limitus may have developed? It is normally caused by an abnormal alignment of a bone in your big toe joint. Repetitive trauma to your toe, a second toe that is longer than the first, arthritis and flat feet are other common factors that can result in hallux limitus.

This condition can cause other painful problems if not treated so we encourage you to contact us if you have any stiffness or pain in your big toe. We have several effective treatment options that can relieve your symptoms and stop the progression of this condition. Call Dr. Bowman today at (713) 467-8886 or make an appointment with our podiatric office online at www.houstonfootspecialists.com.

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