Thursday, May 24, 2012

Got Bunions?

A bunion is a deformity that occurs at the joint on the base of the big toe. The bone connected to the big toe begins to grow outwards, which in turn causes the big toe to misaligned and begin to angle inward. This causes an enlargement of the joint, which can become very painful due to friction and rubbing inside of shoes. Bunions can also lead to other deformities, such as hammertoes. Symptoms of a bunion include:
  • Redness, swelling and tenderness around the base of the big toe
  • Pain
  • Thickening of the skin
  • Inability to freely move the big toe
  • Big toe angling toward other toes
You are at greater risk of developing bunions if you wear high heels, stilettos, or other narrow and/or poorly shaped shoes.  Also, if someone else in your family had bunions, you are at a high risk of developing them because of inherited bone structure.

Bunions don’t resolve themselves. Over time, bunions can get bigger and cause more pain, which is why it is important to seek early treatment. If treatment begins in the early stages, the use of orthotics or a wider shoe may alleviate the problem, and the bunion will not interfere with normal pursuits. The orthotic helps hold the bones in proper alignment and takes pressure off the bunion, and the wider shoe accommodates the altered shape of your foot. However, Bunions will not go away on their own.

If you are bothered by persistent pain, an enlargement on the side of your big toe or have difficulty finding shoes that fit well, call and make an appointment with Dr. Bowman. If your bunion situation requires surgery, it is usually done on an outpatient basis. After a thorough foot examination, Dr. Bowman can develop a treatment plan that meets your specific needs. The primary goal at Houston Foot Specialists is to get you back on your feet quickly and back to the business of enjoying life.

Also, if you have diabetes and neuropathy, seek immediate treatment for bunions because your feet are at greater risk due to loss of sensation. Call Dr. Bowman at (713) 467-8886 to set up an appointment. 

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