Monday, May 7, 2012

Healing Solution for the Dry Skin Problem

Dry, cracked skin isn’t just a winter condition, especially of the feet. Pay close attention to the condition of your skin. It may foretell other problems. If you have areas of dry, thick, cracked skin, you need to pay attention right away. You have many options available, but let’s discuss home remedies first.

Here are some home remedies you can try to help your dry, cracked skin:

· Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Internal hydration is important for all organ function, and your skin is the largest organ of your body.

· Wash your feet daily and dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes. Moisture left between the toes becomes a haven for bacteria that can cause fungal infections like athlete’s foot.

· Gently remove buildup of dry skin with a pumice stone. If you have some serious work to do, don’t try to correct it all at once. This could cause open sores, which are painful and might lead to infection. 

· Apply lotion to your feet. Read the ingredients on the bottle. If it consists mainly of water, look for a lotion richer in emollients. Do not apply lotion between the toes. Application of lotion can be done several times a day and should be done just before bedtime, then cover your feet with clean, white cotton socks.

If your feet don’t begin to respond to this treatment within several days, you need to consider making an appointment with Dr. Bowman. There may be another cause that Dr. Bowman will need to diagnose. You could have a fungal infection or dermatitis. Dr. Bowman will be able to evaluate your condition and recommend appropriate treatment.

If you suffer diabetes, you must examine your feet daily for cracks or sores and see your podiatrist on a regular basis. What begins as a small problem can quickly get out of hand and result in infection. Your feet are more at risk and require extra special care. 

If you have a painful dry, cracked skin condition you are unable to control, contact Houston Foot Specialists at (713) 467-8886 and let Dr. Bowman lend a hand to your feet.

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  1. Internal hydration is an easy home remedy to forget about. But it's so simple! Drinking enough water has so many other health benefits as well. Great reminder!

  2. Very true, Dr. Brady. Many people think that just applying lotion will care for the condition. However, drinking water is part of the cure and can help in so many other ways.

  3. Here's one tip I know for getting rid of dry skin on the foot. Make sure that when you wash your feet use lukewarm water not hot.

  4. Does this due to candida yeast? Can the Candida Cure?
