Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Best Shoes for People with Flat Feet

How often do you think about your foot type when shopping for shoes? If you have painful flat feet and haven’t been choosing wisely, your shoes could be the cause! Flat feet are characteristic of an arch that has flattened. If you aren’t sure, place a wet foot on a light brown piece of paper. If the footprint has a flat oblong shape, you most likely have a flat foot.

Our Houston, TX staff constantly stresses the importance of good footwear to our patients. If you have flat feet, your foot structure needs a shoe that will support it properly to avoid stress on the foot and possible injury. People with flat feet tend to have a problem with over-pronation, which is when the ankle rolls inward while standing, walking or running. When you go out shopping for your next pair of shoes, take the time to go to a reputable shoe store with employees who know which shoes would be best suited for flat feet. An anti-pronation shoe is optimal as it is designed in such a way to limit the foot from over-pronation.

Remember that shoes for a flat foot should be well cushioned and have a straight sole rather than a curved one. If the sole is too curved, it can put a lot of pressure on the foot. Look for a shoe with solid support – if you can bend it in the middle, leave it on the shelf. This is especially important if you want to use the shoe for athletics.

Lastly, many patients with flat feet experience great benefits by using custom orthotics to support and stabilize their feet. Choose shoes with removable insoles to accommodate for orthotics if necessary.

If having flat feet is causing pain and making it difficult to stay involved in your favorite activities or to find shoes that feel great, Dr. Jeff Bowman can help! Please contact Houston Foot Specialists and make an appointment today. Don’t let one more day go by being plagued with foot pain, call (713) 467-8886.

©2013 Jeff Bowman., All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Best Shoes for Standing All Day for women I found your this post while searching for some related information on thread search. ..Its a good post..keep posting and update the information.
