Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Exercises for After Foot Surgery

Winston Churchill once said, “Give us the tools and we will finish the job.” He definitely was not talking about foot surgery but the same principal can apply. The “tools” you use post foot surgery will make a big difference in its success.

When his patients have foot surgery, Dr. Jeff Bowman, foot specialist in Houston, TX, stays involved with each patient from start to finish. With his clearance, post surgery exercises are often an important part of the healing process as they can reduce swelling and provide strength and flexibility to the foot.

Some easy exercises to do after foot surgery include:

Work your toes. With a towel placed on the floor, sit in a chair and place your foot flat on the towel. Use your toes to scrunch the towel towards your foot. You can also use small objects such as coins or marbles to strengthen your toes. Put them on the floor and use your toes to pick them up one by one. These exercises can be done for a minimum of 10 minutes two times a day.

Strengthen your muscles. Sit on the floor with your healing leg straight out in front. Use a towel or an exercise band and loop it around the ball of your foot. Gently press your foot forward as you pull back on the towel or band. Try this 10 times for 3 sets.

Find your balance. This exercise also helps strengthen your foot muscles. When you are a bit farther along in the healing process, try balancing on the foot that is healing with your other foot slightly off the ground. Start with just 30 seconds. You can progress by holding the uninjured foot higher off the ground or by closing your eyes. Always be near something you can grab to prevent a fall.

If you have had bunion surgery, it is common for the big toe joint to be stiff.  Grab the big toe at the base and pull up holding it for 5 seconds then down for 5 seconds.  You will feel some discomfort which is normal. This should be done 30 times 2 to 3 times a day.

There are many more exercises and devices to use and Dr. Bowman will instruct you what is right for you post surgery.

The important thing to remember is that these types of exercises should only be done with Dr. Bowman’s approval. You do not want to start adding stress or pressure until the proper amount of healing has occurred. If you have any questions about foot surgery please contact our podiatric office for an appointment. Call (713) 467-8886 or visit
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