Monday, March 26, 2012

Flat feet - okay for a Platypus, but not for you!

Of all the complaints, woes and discussions that involve feet, how many times do you hear flat feet mentioned? What exactly does it mean and at what point are a person’s feet considered to be flat? Allowing for a bit of individualism, that could be difficult to define.

Pes Planus is a condition where the arch area of the foot has either not properly developed or collapsed to the point where the sole of the foot is nearly in complete contact with the surface the foot is on. Up to thirty-percent of people who have flat feet simply never developed arches in one or both feet.

First, let’s look at congenital flat feet. Flat feet are common in babies and young children. Bones and other tissues take time to develop and strengthen, so the arch of the foot may not be discernible until the child is between 4 and 6 years of age. To make sure the child is developing normally, parents should watch for limping, oddity of gait or symptoms of pain, which may indicate flat feet and seek appropriate treatment for their child.

Flat feet can be acquired as an adult. This can be attributed to aging, illness, injury and continuous stress. Women over 40 are more inclined to develop flat feet. If developed during adulthood, feet will probably remain flat. Known contributing factors include:

    •    Weight

    •    Diabetes

    •    High blood pressure

    •    Pregnancy (may cause temporary flattening of the feet)

As long as the feet remain flexible and do not cause pain in the foot, knee or lower back, they can go untreated. If pain becomes an issue, the first thing you must do is see Dr. Bowman for a correct diagnosis. He can determine if orthotics is necessary or he may assign foot exercises that can help strengthen your arches. In the worst cases surgery may provide relief, but would only be considered after all other methods had been tried.

If you have pain in your arches, lower leg, knees or lower back, you may have flat feet. Call Dr. Bowman at (713) 467-8886 for a correct diagnosis, so you can get back on the right path.


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  1. Flat feet or also termed as 'fallen arches', describes a condition in which the arch of the foot has collapsed so that the entire sole of the foot lies flat against the ground. This kind of situation requires special treatment and shoes to wear.

  2. What may be the structure of your feet, if you take care of them everyday you can maintain a good foot health. Visit our site to know cracked feet causes and foot health and all information about home foot care tips and natural remedies of some foot problem like corns and calluses.
