Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Run Better With the Right Breathing

Running is one of most popular sports due to its effectiveness in helping to achieve weight loss and a certain fitness level, but also because it requires no special equipment and can be done anywhere at any time. Many runners prefer going at it alone, but if flying solo doesn’t suit you, try a running club for support and fellowship. The Houston Striders out of Houston, TX is a great club for runners of all ages and fitness levels that often sponsors social events and charitable runs.

In addition to running with a partner or group, how you breathe can also make you a better runner.  For beginners, just focusing on each stride to make it to the end is enough to think about, but breathing is an important component to a running routine. The right techniques can make running more comfortable and enjoyable. Breathing too shallow or too fast could be the reason you may be becoming fatigued during your runs.

The best place to start is by walking for three to five minutes. This little warm up helps to regulate your breathing. Ease into your run slowly to gradually raise your heart rate and breathing. If you are struggling, you started too quickly. Do your best to be as relaxed as possible, as this helps your body take in the best and biggest breath of oxygen it can. Exhale slowly and keep this form of deep breathing the whole time. Another tip is to make sure belly is going in and out with each breath. Your chest rising means your breaths are too shallow. Lastly, breathe in and out with both your nose and your mouth and take breaths in for three steps and let it out during two steps.

It may take some concentration to get these techniques down, but pretty soon they will become habit and you should notice an improvement in how you feel and how well you run. If at any time you have foot or ankle pain, leave that diagnosis and treatment to us! Contact Dr. Jeff Bowman at Houston Foot Specialists in Houston, TX at (713) 467-8886 to make an appointment today.

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