Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Does Form Make a Difference While Running?

 How does running a 5K with over 20 obstacles through the mud sound? For adventure enthusiasts this sounds like a blast! Bring on The Mighty Mud Dash taking place on November 23rd, 2013 at the Sam Houston Race Park in Houston, TX. This 5K challenge with military obstacles will have you tested to your maximum, but the $7000.00 prize at the end may boost your resolve! There is even a 100-yard dash for the kids, so the whole family can get involved.

Now being covered in mud could definitely slow you down as you run a race like this, but bad form can take a toll too. If you are getting tired and winded too quickly, remember some of these important tips to get you back on track. First off, breathing is a key component. You need to get as much oxygen to your muscles as possible to avoid lactic acid build up. A good rule of thumb is to inhale over three steps and then exhale over two.

Second, try to have your foot strike the ground as lightly as possible. Imagine it gently scraping the ground instead of a hard slap. In regards to your body, lean forward slightly and keep your back nice and straight. Your hips should face forward, and do your best to avoid swaying from side to side while running. Relax your shoulders, keep your gaze straight ahead, let your arms bend and move naturally, and refrain from clenching your fists.

It is a lot to remember, but practice makes perfect. Before you know it, this form will become habit and make you a better runner. A final piece of advice is to call us at any time if you have foot pain or problems during or after a run. You may just need a change of footwear or to add a pair of custom orthotics but the discomfort could be a minor injury or something more serious. Make an appointment with Dr. Jeff Bowman at Houston Foot Specialists in Houston, TX by calling (713) 467-8886.

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