Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Jogging vs. Biking

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” - Mark Twain

Are you trying to get ahead in the areas of health and fitness? It is not easy and with so many kinds of exercise, fads and trends out there, it can be hard to know where to start or what is best. Running and biking are two great ways to increase your strength and cardiovascular fitness. They both help burn calories but is one better than other?

Which is a better exercise, jogging or biking?

The answer to this question actually depends on a few factors. To burn one pound of fat, you need to burn roughly 3,500 calories. On a bike, the number of calories you burn is going to depend on how much you weigh and the intensity at which you ride. Going faster or uphill is going to increase the amount of calories you are able to burn. Jogging or running follows similar rules. The amount of calories you can burn will depend on how much you weigh and how long or intense the jog or run is.

Dr. Jeff Bowman, a foot specialist in Houston, TX treats sports injuries on a regular basis. Overuse while training and the stress from exercise can take a toll on feet and ankles. A reason to choose biking over jogging is the fact that it may be a more low-impact choice and easier on your feet, ankles and knees. Running basically costs nothing (except for a good shoe) and can be done anywhere whereas biking requires equipment and the right place to do it.

What matters is doing something you love and that keeps you safe and healthy. If you are experiencing any foot pain with biking or jogging, stop and have it diagnosed before it gets worse and interrupts your exercise entirely. Make an appointment with Dr. Bowman by calling our podiatric office at (713) 467-8886 or visit
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