As this football season gets off to a weird start due to the holdout, the injuries are already starting to roll in. Now, we all know that football and injuries go hand in hand. After all, football is not a wimpy sport, but doesn’t it seem like there’s more injuries this season already? I mean, the Detroit Loins already have three rookies with injuries, and two of them are foot related! Nick Fairley, their top pick in the first round, is out for at least a few weeks because of a fracture in his foot. And their two second-rounder's are out too. Titus Young is out with a hamstring injury and Mike Leshoure is totally out for the season with a torn Achilles tendon. Jacoby Jones with the Houston Texans has sprained an ankle, like many in the NFL already. These are just a few examples in a huge pool of players that are starting the season off with problems. With football continuing full steam ahead, the injuries will more than likely continue to pile up every week.
But why does it seem that there are so many injuries this year? At least more than average? Some might say it’s just been one of those years. One year might be better than another with injuries. That might be true, but I tend to think that it has to do with the lock out. I think a large portion of the injured NFL players didn’t work to keep themselves in shape over the holdout. The same thing happens to people everyday. People don’t exercise regularly for one reason or another and then take on a task that ends up being too much strain for their body, and the results are – injuries.
What about you? Have you enjoyed the lazy days of summer and spent less time with training? You can prevent this. Obviously, exercise regularly! I’m not suggesting you have to join a gym and go at least three or four times a week. We’re all busy, and it would be hard to demand so much. But how about trying walking a mile every other day? This could mean just going to a mall and doing some fun window shopping while getting a little exercise! You can always take the stairs instead of the elevator or take a walk down on the beach or nearby park. You can even get someone to come with you to talk to and have a great time. That way you’ll both be exercising and spending quality time together. Try to come up with fun ways to exercise so you won’t hate it but will actually enjoy getting away from the television and spending some time out of the house. This will help you avoid those pesky injuries that can be lurking just around the next corner.
Even as the NFL season keeps going, more and more players are sitting out of the game because of an injury done to their feet or ankles. Goes to show you that you always need to protect your feet and ankles in any sports you participate in so you can keep being involved with the things you love to do!