Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Water & Skin Benefits

Water is an essential nutrient to your body. Your body is made up of 55-75% water and needs it to function, plain and simple. An adult loses up to 3 liters a day, possibly more during hot weather and exercise. Because we can’t store water, we need to replace this vital nutrient.

Aside from regulating your temperature, lubricating your joints and helping with digestion, a huge benefit of getting enough water is how much it helps your skin! Are you aware that your skin is your body’s largest organ? Like most other body parts, your skin can become dehydrated with a lack water. Being dehydrated can result in your skin being dry and wrinkled. Water keeps the cells and tissues of your skin healthy and increases its elasticity. Moisturized skin is healthy looking skin and water is the best way to achieve this. Using a moisturizer on your skin also helps lock in moisture to keep your skin healthy throughout the day.

You also don’t have to be thirsty or drink a gallon of water a day to get enough fluid into your system. Tomatoes, watermelon, strawberries, carrots, apples and bananas consist of between 75-93% water. Not only will you be eating healthy, your skin will be reaping the benefits as well!

Healthy skin also protects against injury, especially when in relation to your feet. Dr. Jeff Bowman, foot specialist in Houston, TX has treated many patients with dry, cracking skin on their feet. This situation can put you at risk for infection and serious complications. If dry, cracking skin on your feet is a problem, please contact Houston Foot Specialists at (713) 467-8886 and make an appointment today. You can also request appointments online at

©2013 Jeff Bowman., All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Hi...
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