Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Shin Splints & Treatments

There are some injuries that can sneak up on you and really put a halt to your activities. Shin splints are one of those common injuries that can come on and be downright painful! It is helpful then to know how they happen and what you can do to treat them.

Many athletes have come in to see Dr. Bowman (a runner himself) at his Houston, TX podiatric office for foot or ankle treatment. Shin splints are commonly treated with athletes and runners but even chasing the school bus could irritate muscles and result in shin splints. With shin splints, you may feel pain alongside or behind the shinbone. Most patients describe a dull, aching pain that happens during or after exercise on the top portion of the lower leg. The pain can come and go or stay constant. 

Fortunately, many cases of shin splints are resolved with a lot of rest and good foot care. Icing the shin for 20-30 min every three or four hours will help reduce swelling. Anti-inflammatory medicines have also been proven effective. Dr. Bowman has found that many patients who suffer with shin splints find relief by using custom orthotics as well. These inserts for your shoes that are designed for your foot structure help support your arch and prevent painful shin splints.  Dr. Bowman also has specific stretches to help to get rid of the pain.

Shin splints are often a result of an underlying problem such as swollen muscles caused by overuse, stress fractures or having flat feet. For this reason, it is important to have shin splints treated by Dr. Bowman if home treatment is proving ineffective. An X-ray or gait analysis may be needed to diagnose the true source of your pain.

Contact our podiatric office at (713) 467-8886 to schedule an appointment if you need treatment for shin splints. You can also visit us at www.houstonfootspecialists.com.
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  1. Nice blog article I had always wondered about the causes of shin splints.

  2. My friend is a runner and has this problem. I think you can help him to solve the problem. I am going to tell him about your article.back and neck pain bergen county , low back pain bergen county
